
Home: The Place With The Lowest Risk of Contagion

Based on the outbreaks that have appeared since the end of the state of alarm, everything indicates that social encounters, especially those that take place in closed spaces, are the most common scenarios in the spread of the virus. Healthcare executive, Yosef Meystel, explains which places and routine activities are of a lower risk, so that you can enjoy the new normal without endangering the well-being of your elderly relatives. 

Measures to be taken by older adults against the coronavirus

Yossi Meystel, founder and manager of Aperion Care has published detailed advice for older adults, a group of the population that is at increased risk for more severe COVID-19 symptoms. COVID-19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. People of any age with serious chronic health conditions are also at increased risk. Here are the key tips offered by Meystel for preparing older adults and their caregivers for a coronavirus outbreak in your community, adapted from the CDC's list of tips for older adults: Stay prepared • Have a COVID-19 plan for yourself and create one for your loved ones. Check them often. • Make a list of your daily medications and the time of day you take them. That way, a caregiver can help you if you get sick. • Get a 30-day supply...

Yossi Meystel on Successful Aging

Over the past two decades, the idea of successful aging has gained increasing attention given the exponential growth in the older adult population. Criteria and definitions within multiple disciplines vary greatly in Western literature. In psychiatric literature, the most commonly mentioned psychological characteristics of the elderly are: decline in creative and productive thinking, reduced adaptation to new situations, decline in concentration, memory, and attention, and lack of motivation. However, recent studies show that aging does not necessarily mean the loss of capacity and occurrence of deficits and that the so-called "degradation processes" can be prevented or at least mitigated, while the most important role is to establish a healthier lifestyle and disease prevention. As an important figure of the US nursing scene, Yossi Meystel provides community leadership and opinions on aging-related topics. With his community service, action, and social justice efforts, h...

Yossi Meystel Biography

Yossi Meystel was born in Chicago, IL. As an active supporter of several Illinois-based Jewish organizations, he contributes to Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov, an elementary school in Chicago that provides a high-quality education for nearly 500 students. Yossi Meystel also donates to Agudath Israel of Illinois, a center for Haredi Jews that provides community leadership and official opinions on American policy. Yosef Meystel donates heavily to groups such as the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago (, a nonprofit organization that connects volunteers who want to help people in need. Furthermore, Yossi Meystel has also contributed his time and resources to organizations including the Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed, Camp Nageela Midwest, and Madragos. Meystel holds a master degree of business administration with a focus on accounting from Indiana University South Bend . Over the course of his career, he has authored a number of articles about the s...